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Special Lecture Series 3 Panel Data Analysis (using STATA)

Event Date 2021-02-01
Organized by
Event Date : 2021-02-01

SNU GSIS BK21 FOUR Program hosts various events inviting prominent figures to deliver distinguished lectures with our 'BK21 Special Lecture Series'.

For our third session of this semester, we have Professor Dainn Wie from National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Japan, who will give three lectures under the title "Panel Data Analysis (using STATA)."

The lecture series is a free, no-credit course open to all SNU GSIS students. The entire course will be conducted online via zoom (conducted in English). If you want to participate in this course, please RSVP using the Goole survey https://forms.gle/fXtjXBeY6D9FHQxPA by 18 January 2021:

Please refer to the below for detailed information. Thank you.


<SNU GSIS BK21 Special Lecture Series in Panel Data Analysis>

This series of special lecture is aimed at providing students with the instruments to analyze panel data. The lecture series will have small content of theory and will concentrate mostly on practical skills. 

The students are expected to have basic knowledge and experience in ordinary least squares (OLS) regression. 

The statistical program used will be STATA. Students are expected to have access to this program. 

During the lecture, data sets will be provided with which the students will be able to practice panel regressions using STATA. 

The workshop will cover the following concepts:

•         Panel data

•         Difference between pooled OLS regression and panel regression

•         Panel regressions with fixed and random effects

•         Panel regression with instrumental variables

•         STATA: reg, xtreg, xtregiv, etc

•         Others


<Tentative Schedule>  

Session 1: 1 Feb 2021 (Mon)  3 pm – 4: 30 pm

Zoom Meeting (ID: 850 1341 0335) *Direct Linkhttps://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/85013410335

- Review of OLS and Internal/external Validity Threats

- Introduction to Panel + Fixed Effects Estimation

- Comparison with Random Effects model


Session 2: 3 Feb 2021 (Wed)  3 pm – 4:30 pm

Zoom Meeting (ID: 841 2853 1620) *Direct Linkhttps://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/84128531620

- Muti-dimension fixed effects estimation

- Clustered standard error

- STATA Application (FE model, clustering + alpha)


Session 3: 8 Feb 2021 (Mon)  3 pm – 4:30 pm

Zoom Meeting (ID: 886 9616 8917) *Direct Linkhttps://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/88696168917

- Introduction to IV

- Two-stage least squares Estimation

- IV regression in STATA


<Course Instructor>

Dainn Wie (Ph D)

Director of Public Finance Program

Associate Professor at GRIPS(National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies) Japan


Contact: SNU GSIS BK21 FOUR Program (snu.gsis.bk21@gmail.com)