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Indigenous Feminist Narratives from Iraq

Event Date 2020-11-20
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Event Date : 2020-11-20

Indigenous Feminist Narratives from Iraq (Nov. 20, 10am) 


서울대학교 아시아언어문명학부에서 주최하는 서아시아 특강에 선생님과 학생 여러분을 초청합니다. 

Dear All, you are cordially invited to attend the lecture this upcoming Tuesday as part of the West Asian Lecture series. 


This Land is My Land, This Land is Your Land: Indigenous Feminist Narratives from Iraq

A Zoon lecture by Dr. Mariam Georgis (University of Manitoba, Canada)

Friday Nov 20, 2020 10:00 AM 


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Meeting ID: 947 9107 1694

Passcode: 539939


About the speaker:

Mariam Georgis is a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Political Studies at the University of Manitoba. She holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of Alberta, an MA and Hon. BA in Political Science from McMaster University. Her work focuses on decolonial/postcolonial approaches to global politics, critical security studies, race and Indigeneity, colonial modernity, violence and nation building, and Middle East politics with a focus on Indigenous politics. Her current project focuses on the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and it examines the tension between Kurdish and Assyrian land claims in this region. Her publications include: “Violence on Iraqi Bodies: Decolonising Economic Sanctions in Security Studies” (in Third World Quarterly, 2019); “Nation and Identity Construction in Modern Iraq: (Re)inserting the Assyrians” (in Unsettling Colonial Modernity in Islamicate Contexts, 2017); and, “(Re)inserting Race and Indigeneity and International Relations Theory: A Postcolonial Approach” (in Global Change, Peace & Security, 2014).