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[아름다운재단] 2020 하반기 기부문화 석박사 연구지원사업

Event Date 2020-10-25
Organized by
Event Date : 2020-10-25

The Center on Philanthropy at The Beautiful Foundation

Fall 2020 Student Research Grants Program



1. Introduction

Set up in 2001, The Center on Philanthropy at The Beautiful Foundation is the first research hub in Korea wholly dedicated to the study of philanthropy and the nonprofit sector. The Center conducts research, surveys, and educational programs to facilitate the creation and maturation of a philanthropic culture in Korea. For more information, go to The Center on Philanthropy.

Conducted twice a year (spring/fall) since 2014, the Student Research Grants Program provides funds for postgraduate students pursuing research related to the field of philanthropy, with the aim to encourage the study of philanthropy and ultimately advance the field.

If you have any further questions, please contact us at 02-6930-4556 or research@beautifulfund.org.


2. Program Details

1) Eligibility of Applicants

Master’s and PhD students preparing theses/dissertations or journal articles on the theme of ‘philanthropy.’

- Thesis & Dissertation: At least master’s student

- Journal Article: At least PhD student (up to 1 co-researcher)

*There are no restrictions to the type of discipline, and students from all backgrounds of study are welcome.


2) Research Topics

Any research topic related to the theme of ‘philanthropy’ such as nonprofit organizations, fundraising, donors, corporate social responsibility (CSR), relevant laws and regulations, volunteering, etc.


The following are examples of possible topics for research. They do NOT indicate any limitations to the topics.


Specific Examples

History, Definition, Size & Scope

  • Definition, size, and scope of the nonprofit sector in a changing environment of social economy, hybrid organizations, etc.
  • What data needs building up?
  • Study of Korean foundations

Management, Leadership, Strategy

  • What changes has nonprofit management undergone? What are the reasons for such changes and their implications?
  • What changes has nonprofit leadership undergone? How and why?
  • Are nonprofit and charitable organizations adopting new strategies in response to the values of public interest?
  • How do the management and leadership of organizations with different purposes change?



  • What does accountability and transparency of nonprofits mean?
  • How can accountability towards the public be conducted? Is it effective?
  • How can accountability and transparency be measured and checked?

Effectiveness, Outcome, Impact

  • Do the customary evaluation methods and measurement indices accurately gauge the effectiveness of nonprofit and voluntary activities?
  • What kind of nonprofit and voluntary programs succeed or fail? Why?

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

  • To what extent are social changes or new approaches to services re-defining the work in the nonprofit and voluntary sector?
  • What are the emerging new (or hybrid) organizational structures? What do these structures mean?

Boards and Governance

  • What are the existing models for boards, and what their pros/cons?
  • How can a board model be applied? How will it be changed?
  • Are there any cases of new board governance?
  • What are the major challenges of a board? How will they be met?
  • Are specific board cases more/less related to positive/negative outcomes?

Regulations, Self-Regulation

  • What roles do nonprofit organizations play in the policy process?
  • What rules and regulations govern nonprofits, and do they need to adapt to the changing environment?
  • How are nonprofit organizations carrying out advocacy on policies and missions?


3) Grant Details

- Thesis & Dissertation: KRW 1,000,000

- Journal Article: Necessary funds (article evaluation & publication costs)

* Additional funds for any thesis or dissertation published in a journal (article evaluation & publication costs)

* The Center’s resources are available for use (Giving Korea raw data, special research projects, etc.)

* The research can be further discussed and developed on through consultation with a member of the Center’s Research Committee or with experts and other researchers at the Center’s colloquium


3. Application Process

1) Application Deadline: October 25, 2020


2) Application Method: Fill out the application forms (Attachment A) and send them with other required materials via email to research@beautifulfund.org


3) Announcement of Recipients: November 9, 2020


4. Research Period: November 2020 ~ October 2021 (1 year, with an extension period of up to six months)

* Early completion and submission of research is possible


[Terms & Responsibilities]

  • A paper that has been published or is expected to be published in a journal or collection of papers cannot be submitted.
  • A paper in the final stage of evaluation or that has completed evaluation, or is already receiving funds from another institution cannot be submitted.
  • If no application meets the standard, the program for that category may be canceled.
  • Even after a paper is selected, if it is later revealed to have been selected due to wrongful conduct (plagiarism, etc.), the selection will be canceled and the grant must be returned.
  • The final paper must be submitted by October 2021, and for inevitable reasons the period can be extended up to six months after discussion with the Center.
  • The final paper must be submitted in two forms (full paper, summarized paper), and for theses and dissertations, 3 hard copies must be submitted (to be used for the promotion of philanthropy by uploading on the Center’s webpage, publishing it in the Center’s source book).
  • During the research period or after the submission of the final paper, the grant recipient must make a presentation at a Center event (to be announced later).
  • The final paper must indicate that the research was funded by The Beautiful Foundation.
  • The recipient may re-submit the paper to a research association, but must reveal that the paper was funded by The Beautiful Foundation, and if it is later revealed that the recipient did not check whether the association allows such recognition and the paper is published or this becomes a problem in the publishing process, the recipient shall hold sole responsibility for it.

[Attachment] Fall 2020 Student Research Grants Program Application Forms