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[서울시주최] 2019 정조대왕능행차 재현행사 외국인 참가자 모집 (2019 King Jeongjo Parade Reenactment)

Event Date 2019-10-05
Organized by
Event Date : 2019-10-05

[2019 King Jeongjo Parade Reenactment]


The 22nd King, Jeongjo has been told to be the most gracious king in the Joseon Dynasty.

During his reign, he made 66 royal trips out of his palace to observe his people and listen to their appeals.

In his honor, South Korea hosts 'the King Jeongjo Parade Reenactment' every year.

Come be a part of this lively event by adorning yourself in the Joseon Dynasty court attire

and marching in history's most splendid parade.

Plus, cross a special bridge on the Han River, which is built only once a year exclusively for this festival.

And test yourself and find out whether you can pass the Joseon Confucian Examination.


• DATE : October 5th (Saturday) / 10월5일 토요일

• VENU : Nodeul Island, Seoul / 서울 노들섬

• ENTRY FEE : FREE (Lunch will be provided.)

• PARTICIPANTS : 80 foreign nationals


※ Itinerary will be shared with selected participants and below schedule is subject to change.

- Experience the Joseon court attire

- Marching in parade

- Watching festival performances

- Joseong Dynasty Confucian examination experience


• SIGN-UP : www.fundaykorea.me



* 행사명 : 2019 정조대왕능행차 재현행사

- 일시:?2019. 10. 5 (금)

- 장소: 서울 노들섬

- 대상: 외국인 80명

- 참가비: 무료

- 문의처: funday.networks@gmail.com / 010 5669 9618

- 참가 신청서: www.fundaykorea.me

- 신청 마감일: 2019. 9. 30