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[SEMU-YEOL LECTURE] September 2019 Korea’s First Female Film Director

Event Date 2019-09-02
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Event Date : 2019-09-02

[SEMU-YÉOL LECTURE] September 2019
Korea’s First Female Film Director - Park Nam Ok and 

Lecturer: Simon McEnteggart 
Film Critic, Dongguk University
As we celebrate the 100 years of Korean cinema in 2019, it is the perfect time to examine the life of Korea’s first female film director Park Nam Ok. Often overlooked and forgotten, especially in comparison to the cinematic achievements of Korean men, director Park’s strong determination to overcome the post-war restraints and sexism at the time in order to produce a feature film is truly remarkable. Her film  
This lecture will look into the life of director Park Nam Ok including her early years in North Gyeongsang Province, her short-lived filmmaking career and the trials she endured, followed by a discussion on director Park’s twilight years in the US and her enduring legacy in Korean cinema

Simon McEnteggart is a film critic and filmmaker based in Seoul. After completing a master’s degree in Film and Cultural Theory, Simon was a lecturer at the University of Sunderland in the UK for three years. He moved to Korea and wrote articles as a film columnist for the Korean Film Council, Cine21 on Bucheon Fantastic Film Festival, Groove Korea magazine, and established the K-cinema website hangukyeonghwa.com. He also studied Film Directing course at Dongguk University where he produced a short film  
Learning Room (1st floor), Seoul Museum of History
55 Saemunan-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul
Date and Time
September 2, 2019 (Mon)
11:30 A.M. to 13:00 P.M
No Admission Fee
Email: info@yeol.org
Web: http://www.yeol.org
Tel: 010.2492.6851 (Text Only)
[Click] register on this link: https://forms.gle/c18nGK4NnyXFExQt6


YÉOL (Korean Heritage Preservation Society)
50-1 Bukchonro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea, 03056