Dr. Frederick Dongchuhl Oh is an Associate Professor of Finance and Business Economics at the SNU Graduate School of International Studies, Seoul National University. Prior to joining Seoul National University in 2023, he was an economist at The Bank of Korea (2011-2012) and was on the faculty at KAIST (2012-2023).
Dr. Oh’s research interests are mainly in corporate and international finance, applied game theory, financial intermediation, and economics of religion. His work has appeared in leading academic journals such as Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Financial Intermediation, and Management Science.
Dr. Oh completed his Ph.D. in Finance at Washington University in St. Louis under the supervision of Armando R. Gomes (Co-Chair), David K. Levine (Co-Chair), Todd T. Milbourn, and Anjan V. Thakor (2011); M.S. in Finance at the University of Rochester (2006); M.S. in Finance (2005) and B.B.A. (Major: Business, Minor: Economics, 2001) at Korea University.
Sep. 2023 –
Associate Professor of Finance and Business Economics, Seoul National University
Sep. 2017 – Aug. 2023
Associate Professor of Finance (with tenure), KAIST
Sep. 2016 – Aug. 2017
Visiting Scholar of Economics, Korea University
Aug. 2012 – Aug. 2017
Assistant Professor of Finance, KAIST
Jul. 2011 – Jul. 2012
Economist, The Bank of Korea
May. 2001 – Sep. 2003
Public Interest Service Personnel, Jongno-Gu Office (substitute for military service in Korea)
May. 2011
Ph.D. (Finance), Washington University in St. Louis
Jun. 2006
M.S. (Finance), University of Rochester
Aug. 2005
M.S. (Finance), Korea University
Feb. 2001
B.B.A. (Major: Business, Minor: Economics), Korea University
1. Oh, F. D., “Contagion of a Liquidity Crisis Between Two Firms,” Journal of Financial Economics, 107(2), 386-400, 2013.
2. Oh, F. D. and H. Lim, “Recent Theories Regarding Financial Contagion,” Economic Analysis, 19(3), 111-140, 2013. (In Korean.)
3. Oh, F. D., “Assessing Competitive Conditions in Korea’s Credit Rating Industry after the 1997 Financial Crisis,” Economics Bulletin, 34(2), 1114-1121, 2014.
4. Oh, F. D. and H. Lim, “Understanding Currency Crises and Their Contagion,” Journal of Economic Theory and Econometrics, 25(3), 30-62, 2014. (In Korean.)
- 5. Bereskin, F. L., B. Kim, and F. D. Oh, “Do Credit Rating Concerns Lead to Better Corporate Governance? Evidence from Korea,” Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 35(PB), 592-608, 2015.
- 6. Oh, F. D. and S. Baek, “Unique Equilibrium in a Model of Takeovers Involving Block Trades and Tender Offers,” Finance Research Letters, 15(C), 208-214, 2015.
- 7. Oh, F. D. and K. S. Park, “Corporate Governance Structure and Product Market Competition,” Applied Economics, 48(14), 1281-1292, 2016.
- 8. Lim, H. and F. D. Oh, “The Effectiveness of Liquidity Provision during Debt Crises: Evidence from Korean Firm-Level Data,” Financial Stability Studies, 17(1), 1-37, 2016. (In Korean.)
- 9. Joe, D. Y and F. D. Oh, “Did Foreign Ownership of Korean Credit Rating Agencies Improve Their Ratings?” Contemporary Economic Policy, 35(1), 193-200, 2017.
- 10. Oh, F. D. and J. Park, “Credit Ratings and Corporate Disclosure Behavior: Evidence from Regulation Fair Disclosure in Korea,” Applied Economics, 49(35), 3481-3494, 2017.
- 11. Joe, D. Y and F. D. Oh, “Foreign Investor Behavior in Korea after the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis,” Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 46(C), 69-78, 2017.
- 12. Joe, D. Y and F. D. Oh, “Credit Ratings and Corporate Cash Holdings: Evidence from Korea’s Corporate Reform after the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis,” Japan and the World Economy, 45(C), 9-18, 2018.
- 13. Joe, D. Y and F. D. Oh, “Spillover Effects Within Business Groups: The Case of Korean Chaebols,” Management Science, 64(3), 1396-1412, 2018.
- 14. Joe, D. Y., F. D. Oh, and C. Park, “Control-Ownership Disparity and Stock Market Predictability: Evidence from Korean Chaebols,” Finance Research Letters, 27(C), 6-11, 2018.
- 15. Joe, D. Y., D. Jung, and F. D. Oh, “Owner-Managers and Firm Performance during the Asian and Global Financial Crises: Evidence from Korea,” Applied Economics, 51(6), 611-623, 2019.
- 16. Oh, F. D. and H. Yoon, “The Role of Chonsei as a Price Protector in the Korean Housing Market,” International Economic Journal, 33(1), 27-41, 2019.
- 17. Joe, D. Y., F. D. Oh, and H. Yoo, “Foreign Ownership and Firm Innovation: Evidence from Korea,” Global Economic Review, 48(3), 284-302, 2019.
- 18. Oh, F. D. and J. Park, “Potential Competition and Quality Disclosure,” Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 28(4), 614-630, 2019.
- 19. Ahn, G., F. D. Oh, and J. Park, “The Efficiency of Financial Holding Companies in Korea,” Korean Economic Review, 36(1), 29-58, 2020.
- 20. Lee, H. H. and F. D. Oh, “Corporate Innovation and Credit Default Swap Spreads,” Finance Research Letters, 32(C), 101082, 2020.
- 21. Oh, F. D. and D. Shin, “Religion and Corporate Disclosure Quality,” Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 61(1), 20-37, 2020.
- 22. Oh, F. D. and S. S. Shin, “Does Product Market Competition Affect Corporate Governance? Evidence from Corporate Takeovers,” Journal of Empirical Finance, 59(C), 68-87, 2020.
- 23. Lee, K. and F. D. Oh, “The Role of Large Players in Global Games with Strategic Complements and Substitutes,” Economics Letters, 198(C), 109688, 2021.
- 24. Lee, K. and F. D. Oh, “Public Information and Global Games with Strategic Complements and Substitutes,” Economics Letters, 199(C), 109703, 2021.
- 25. Joe, D. Y., J. Lee, and F. D. Oh, “Do Korean Chaebols Practice Noblesse Oblige? Evidence from Their CSR Activities,” Economics and Business Letters, 10(1), 45-57, 2021.
- 26. Oh, F. D. and H. Yoon, “Social Capital and Firm Innovation: Evidence from Cooperative Banking in Korea,” Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies, 50(2), 147-175, 2021.
- 27. Lee, K. and F. D. Oh, “Credit Ratings and Liquidity Crises,” International Journal of Economic Theory, 17(3), 309-324, 2021.
- 28. Lee, H. D., F. D. Oh, and J. Park, “The Impact of Mandatory K-IFRS Adoption on IPO Underpricing,” International Journal of Finance & Economics, 27(1), 1101-1119, 2022.
- 29. Lee, K. and F. D. Oh, “Information Disclosure and Liquidity Crisis,” Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 41(2), 106942, 2022.
- 30. Lee, H. H. and F. D. Oh, “The Role of Credit Default Swaps in Determining Corporate Payout Policy,” Financial Management, 51(2), 635-661, 2022.
- 31. Lee, K. and F. D. Oh, “Mandatory Disclosure, Investment, and Private Benefits of Control,” Economics Letters, 216(C), 110568, 2022.
- 32. Oh, F. D. and J. Park, “Managerial Incentives and the Medium of Exchange in Takeovers,” Managerial and Decision Economics, 43(8), 4077-4086, 2022.
- 33. Oh, F. D. and J. Park, “A Large Creditor in Contagious Liquidity Crises,” Journal of Banking & Finance, 146(C), 106706, 2023.
- 34. Lee, J., K. Lee, and F. D. Oh, “International Portfolio Diversification and the Home Bias Puzzle,” Research in International Business and Finance, 64(C), 101807, 2023.
- 35. Lee, K. and F. D. Oh, “Private Benefits of Control and the Core,” B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 23(1), 253-260, 2023.
- 36. Hong, S., J. Lee, F. D. Oh, and D. Shin, “Religion and Foreign Direct Investment,” International Business Review, 32(1), 102035, 2023.
- 37. Lee, K., F. D. Oh, D. Shin, and H. Yoon, “Does Venture Capital Investment Enhance Corporate Innovation? Evidence from Korea,” Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 50(1-2), 236-266, 2023.
- 38. Lee, K., F. D. Oh, D. Shin, and H. Yoon, “Internal Labor Markets and Corporate Innovation: Evidence from Korean Chaebols,” International Review of Economics & Finance, 85(C), 146-162, 2023.
- 39. Lee, J., K. Lee, and F. D. Oh, “Religion and Derivative Use: Evidence from the Hedge Fund Industry,” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 62(2), 451-475, 2023.
- 40. Hong, S., F. D. Oh, and D. Shin, “Internal Capital Markets and R&D Investment: Evidence from Korean Chaebols,” Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 59(8), 2493-2506, 2023.
- 41. Hong, S., W. Kim, J. Lee, and F. D. Oh, “Credit Ratings and Corporate Risk-Taking Behavior: Evidence from Korea,” Applied Economics Letters, 30(16), 2200-2207, 2023.
- 42. Lee, J., K. Lee, and F. D. Oh, “Religion and Equity Home Bias,” Open Economies Review, 34(5), 1015-1038, 2023.
- 43. Lee, J., K. Lee, and F. D. Oh, “The Effectiveness of Capital Controls and Macroprudential Measures,” KDI Journal of Economic Policy, 45(4), 1-22, 2023.
- 44. Lee, K. and F. D. Oh, “Freeze-Out Mergers: The Case of Shareholders with Multiple Shares,” Applied Economics Letters, 31(1), 65-75, 2024.
- 45. Lee, J., F. D. Oh, and D. Shin, “Religion and Corporate Innovation,” Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 72(C), 100833, 2024.
- 46. Lee, J. and F. D. Oh, “Do Foreign Investors Make Firms More Transparent? Evidence from Korea,” Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 74(C), 100860, 2024.
- 47. Lee, K., F. D. Oh, D. Shin, and H. Yoon, “Innovation Spillovers Within Business Groups: Evidence from Korean Chaebols,” Emerging Markets Review, 60(C), 101151, 2024.
- 48. Kim, Y., J. Lee, K. Lee, and F. D. Oh, “Corporate Disclosure Behavior during Financial Crises: Evidence from Korea,” Journal of Financial Stability, 73(C), 101298, 2024.
- 49. Lee, J. and F. D. Oh, “Capital Account Liberalization and Economic Performance: Evidence from Korea,” Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 33(7), 1277-1305, 2024.
- 50. Lee, J., K. Lee, and F. D. Oh, “Religion and Branch Banking,” Journal of Financial Intermediation, 60(C), 101115, 2024.
- 51. Oh, F. D. and H. Lim, “On the Hysteresis in the Foreign Market Entry and Exit,” Review of International Money and Finance, 14(2), 33-48, 2024. (In Korean.)
- 52. Lee, K. and F. D. Oh, “Shareholder Voting and Efficient Corporate Decision-Making,” Research in Economics, 78(4), 101010, 2024.
- 53. Hong, S., J. Lee, F. D. Oh, and D. Shin, “Religion and Household Saving Behavior,” Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 44(C), 100999, 2024.
- 54. Lee, J., K. Lee, and F. D. Oh, “Credit Ratings and Corporate ESG Behavior,” Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 98(C), 101938, 2024.
- Global Economy and Business Environment: Capital Markets and Financial Management [MA]
- Global Economy and Business Environment: Corporate Business Analysis [MA]