Upcoming Events


Event Date Title Name
2019-05-01 [주한미국대사관 초청장] "여성과 젠더 시리즈" 5월 행사 gsis-staff
2019-05-02 [Ministry of Foreign Affairs] The 5th Korea-EU International Conference on Middle Eastern and North African Affairs gsis-staff
2019-04-23 [Breakfast Seminar] The Moon Administration's Policy and Outlook / 문재인 정부 정책과 전망 gsis-staff
2019-04-15 [주한미국대사관 초청장] 다양성과 포용 시리즈 (Designing Diversity, Innovating Inclusion Series) 프로그램 gsis-staff
2019-09-13 제8차 '한독주니어포럼' 참가 신청 안내 gsis-staff
2019-04-19 [중남미문화원] 라틴포럼 개최 0.1MB gsis-staff
2019-05-23 2019 모의유럽이사회(Model European Council) 통역사 모집 0.7MB gsis-staff
2019-05-23 모의유럽이사회(2019 Model European Council) 대표단 및 의장단 모집 gsis-staff
2019-04-10 [EU Centre] Special Lecture "Putting the EU-Korea partnership to work: the past and the vision for 2019 (Updated) adm-pr
2019-04-10 [Issues and Perspectives] Asia in 2025: Development Prospects for Middle-Income Countries adm-pr
2019-04-10 [외교부] 2019 쿠바 정책 세미나 0.8MB gsis-staff
2019-04-12 [경기문화재단] 코리안 디아스포라 국제 학술 컨퍼런스 4.7MB gsis-staff
2019-04-24 [한-아세안센터]한-아세안 미디어포럼 adm-facility
2019-04-27 [한국국제교류재단] 나우르즈, 중앙아시아의 봄 전시연계 프로그램(updated) gsis-staff
2019-04-10 [외교부] 2019 Cuba policy Seminar gsis-staff
2019-04-11 Special Lecture: Working at the IMF and the World Bank adm-academic
2109-04-04 A Milestone in Business and Human Rights in South Korea gsis-staff
2019-04-04 [Asia and the World] UNESCO and the Sustainable Development Goals in Asian Context adm-pr
2019-04-11 [TCS] CJK Cultural Differences and Common Ground gsis-staff
2019-04-10 [외교부] 2019 쿠바 정책 세미나 개최 안내 및 초청 gsis-staff