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GSIS BK21 Special Lecture Series 11

Event Date 2021-10-08
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Event Date : 2021-10-08

SNU GSIS BK21 FOUR Program hosts various events inviting prominent figures to deliver distinguished lectures with our Special Lecture Series.

For our eleventh session, we have Professor William W. Grimes from the Pardee School of Global Studies, Boston University, who will lecture on the theme: Institutionalizing Financial Cooperation in East Asia.”

Please refer to the below abstract and poster for detailed information.

Thank you.


*Abstract: In the nearly quarter century since the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, the ASEAN+3 economies have created the world’s second largest emergency liquidity facility, the Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralization (CMIM). At $240 billion in total commitments, CMIM is in a position to provide more funds in the event of a currency crisis than will the International Monetary Fund (IMF). In its original design, CMIM was functionally subordinate to the IMF, but in recent years it has been developing the capabilities needed to function independently if needed, or at least as an equal partner of the IMF. This presentation will describe the ongoing process of institutionalization that is essential to making CMIM a truly regional resource.

* Zoom Meeting (ID: 846 1344 6473) *Direct Link: https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/84613446473