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[Call for papers] KDI School-World Bank DIME Conference on Impact Evaluation in Sustainable and Inclusive Development
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Event Date : 2021-10-31
[Call for papers] KDI School-World Bank DIME Conference on
Impact Evaluation in Sustainable and Inclusive Development
The world has made great strides in fighting poverty over the last several decades, much of this driven by economic growth. However, economic growth presents a number of challenges, chief among them how best to make that growth work for everyone, both today and in the future. With this in mind, the World Bank’s Development Impact Evaluation (DIME) group and the Korea Development Institute School of Public Policy and Management (KDI School) are delighted to invite submissions for our 2021 conference, “Sustainable and Inclusive Development: Gender, Energy, and the Environment.” Although the focus of the conference is on promoting works involving impact evaluation, we also welcome submissions from diverse disciplines and traditions. The conference will take place on December 2nd and 3rd in Washington, D.C. While plans are subject to change based on local health conditions, the organizers currently plan on holding the conference in person with virtual options for both presenters and participants.
The organizers are particularly interested in submissions that touch on the following subject areas:
- Poverty
- Development and marginalized communities/groups
- Development and gender
- Sustainability and development
- Environment and climate change
- Energy
All submissions must be in English. Full papers should be submitted to odric.rpd@gmail.com by October 22nd. The organizers will select papers based on quality and fit for the conference themes, with particular attention given to papers that cover multiple relevant areas. All eligible presenters will receive an honorarium of 300 USD. We anticipate announcing decisions in late October.
Important dates
- Deadline for submission: October 22nd
- Decisions: October 31st
- Sessions finalized: Mid November
- Conference: December 2nd and 3rd
E-mail: odric.rpd@gmail.com / ys_jo@kdischool.ac.kr
Phone: +44-550-1104
For detailed information please visit the website: