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[IOM Republic of Korea] International Forum on the Humanitarian-Development-Peac

Event Date 2019-11-26
Organized by
Event Date : 2019-11-26


Marking a watershed moment in humanitarian assistance, the World Humanitarian Summit in 2016 called for a new paradigm that moves away from the divide separating humanitarian, development, and peace actors. The key outcome of the summit, the Humanitarian?Way of Working (NWoW) aims to narrow gaps between humanitarian and development assistance
while reducing needs, risks, and vulnerability through Collective Outcomes. Despite the significance of the Nexus in international cooperation and the growing interest of ROK humanitarian actors, the discourse on the topic within the Korean humanitarian community rather remains at a nascent state. As part of capacity-building support, IOM ROK seeks to provide a platform
to not only promote the understanding of the Nexus among Korean humanitarian actors but also elicit vigorous discussions on the operationalization of the Nexus. To this end, IOM ROK will host a one-day forum on the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus jointly with the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) in Seoul, ROK. Bringing together experts and key stakeholders from Korea and abroad, the proposed event will not only explore key international developments underlying the Nexus, but also the strategies and frameworks of different
national and international organizations including donor institutions on the Nexus. Furthermore, delving into the operationalization of the Nexus, the forum aims to provide practical guidance by drawing key lessons and experiences from actual programmatic cases in the field. The forum is expected to enable ROK humanitarian actors to better understand the Nexus and its implications in the planning, financing, and delivery of humanitarian assistance. It will also promote stronger linkages between humanitarian assistance and development and the more effective operationalization of the Nexus within the ROK humanitarian community in line with global discourses and guidelines.

? DATES: November 26, 2019 
? VENUE: Ferrum Hall, Ferrum tower (address: 19 Eulji-ro 5-gil, Suha-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul)
? TARGET AUDIENCE: approx. 150 humanitarian professionals from NGOs, donor agencies and academia
? AGENDA (see the attached file)
REGISTRATION  https://bit.ly/2IWZIY2