Tae-Gyun Park, is a Professor of Korean Studies at Graduate School of International Studies, Seoul National University. He was a former dean of the GSIS 2020-2022, former editor in chief in SNU newspaper, former editor in chief in the Critical Review of History 2015-2018, advisor for the ROK ministry of foreign affairs, ministry of unification, committee member of the presidential commiittee for policy and planning, visiting professor of Harvard University, Keio University, Kyushu University, and adjunct professor at Fudan University, Shantung University.
Bachelor of Korean History
Master of Korean History
Ph.D. of Korean History
[Out of Campus Career]
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Committee of Inspection for KOICA and KF (2009-present)
- Advisor in National Vision Department, the Commission on Presidential Transition (2003)
Ministry of Unification – Policy Advisor (2012-2013)
Director, Department of Future Policy, Presidential Commission for Policy Planning (2000-2022)
Board member, Korea Institute for Defense Analyses (2022-2023)
[Campus Career]
The head of the publication (2006-2007), The Institute for Peace and Unification Studies, Seoul National University –
The Director(2008-2013), international Center for Korean Studies, Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies, Seoul National University
Associate Dean, Seoul National University Graduate School of International Studies (2015-2017)
- Seoul National University Newspaper – Chief Editor (2019-2020)
- Dean of Graduate School of International Studies, Seoul National University (2020-2022)
[Academic Journal Experience]
“Critical Review of History”– Editor in chief(2016~2019)
“Pacific Affairs” Editorial member (2003-present)
[International Career]
- Visiting Fellow and Special Student, Harvard-Yenching Institute 1997-1999
- Visiting Professor, Kyushu University, Japan 12/2004 ~3/2005
- Visiting Scholar, Harvard-Yenching Institute 2007-2008
- Visiting Professor, Keio University, Japan 1/2016
- Visiting Professor, University of Tübingen, Germany 7/2016~8/2016
- Visiting Professor, Harvard University, East Asian Language and Civilization 2017
[Journal Articles]
- A Proposal for New Perspectives on the Korean War in 60 years after the Outbreak of the Korean War”(in Korean), Yoksawa Hyonsil, No. 78, 2010.
- WauApartment & The Highway between Seoul and Busan & Downsizing American Forces in South Korea”, Critical Review of History, No.93, 2010.
- Inoperative Armistice Agreement and Cheonan Ship Incident (in Korean), Yoksawa Hyonsil, No.76, 2010.
- Beyond the Myth: Reassessing the Security Crisis on the Korean Peninsula during the Mid-1960s”, Pacific Affairs, Vol. 82 No. 1, 2009.
[Conference Proceedings/ Chapters in Edited Books]
- Same Destination, Different Roads. 2002. 6. 18. Pacific Asia Conference on Korean Studies, Korea.
- The Impracticable Plan: the Phase-down Policy of Korean Army by the U.S. in 1950s and 1960s. 2001. 9.25. Monash Asia Institute, Manash University, Australia.
- W.W. Rostow and Economic Discourses in South Korea in the 1960s,” 2001. 5. 18. Tokyo University, Japan.
- Korean War: A War Unfinished, a War That Needs To Be Ended, Chekwa Hamgye (2005)
- “Origins of Korea’s Economic Development Plan, 1956-1964“ SNU Press (2007)
Vietnam War, Hangyere Publishing Co. (2015)
- Archetype and Metamorphosis: The Origin of Korea’s Economic Development Plans. Seoul: Seoul Taehakkyo Chulpanbu (2007)
- “Ally and Empire: Two Myths in Korea-U.S. Relationship, 1945-1980. AKS Press. (2012)
“Different Roads, Common Destination: Economic Discourses in South Korea during the 1950s”. Modern Asian Studies (2005)
Birtsch Documents and the US Military Government Era, Yokbi (2021)
“The Roles of the United States and Japan in the Development of South Korea’s Science and Technology during the Cold War.” Korea Journal (2012)
- The Park Chung Hee Era: The Transformation of South Korea. Edited by Byung-Kook Kim and Ezra Vogel. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press (2011)
“Beyond the Myth: Reassessing the Security Crisis on the Korean Peninsula during the Mid-1960s,” Pacific Affairs (2009)
- Westernization or Localization?; How to Approach to Modernity in Korea, Translation and Modernity in Korea, pp.106-113 ,국제비교한국학회, Center for Korean Studies (버클리대학), 2004.
- From Nonalignment to Colonial Legacy: Transition in Meaning of Nationalism. International Korean Studies Conference 2004: The Park Era: A Reassessment After 25 Years, Faculty of Arts, University of Wollongong. 2004.
[Conferences Presentations]
- Two Different Ways in 1950s Korea. 1950s Korea from New Perspective. Korea Institute, Harvard University. May 20, 2011.
- Changes in US policy toward Asia: Abandonment and making a room for Asian leaders. AKSE Conference. Association for Korean Studies in Europe. Moscow. June 18, 2011.
- The Second Economy: The Origin of Yushin System in South Korea. Stanford University. March 7, 2008.
- Salzburg Seminar: “East Asia-The United States: A Search for Common Values.” (Changes in Korean’s Preference for the Great Powers and Neighboring Countries). June 4, 2004.
- Korea Institute Colloquium (Harvard University) (Reshaping the State through Middle Course in 1961-1963). October 9, 2003.