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Moon, Woo-Sik / 文宇植 

Professor / Major Director

Office Room 612, Bldg. 140-1
Tel.(82-2) 880-8524
MajorInternational Finance

Oct. 1997 – Present

Professor, Graduate School of International Studies, Seoul National University

Apr. 2016 – 

Director, EU center, GSIS

Apr. 2016 – Jan. 2017

President of Korea EUSA (European Studies Association)

Mar. 2012 – Apr. 2016

Visiting Professor, ADBI (Asian Development Bank Institute), Japan

Aug. 2006 – Mar. 2012

Member, Advisory Committee of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

May. 2008 – Mar. 2012

Member, Policy Evaluation Committee of Ministry of Finance and Budget

May,.2010 – Mar. 2012

Member, Advisory Committee of Ministry of Education, Science and Technology

Feb,.2000 – Present

Senior Fellows, Center for European Integration, Germany

2008 – Prsent

Member, International Advisory Committee, Leuven Center for Global Governance, Belgium

2005  – 2006

Adjunct Professor, Samm Nunn School of International Affairs, GIT, USA

Jul. 1990 – Oct. 1997

Research Fellow, Korean Development Institute


Jun. 1990

Ph.D in Economics, University of Paris-I (Panthéon-Sorbonne)

Thesis: ‘Une étude sur la monnaie et la structure financière’.

Oct. 1985 

M.A. in Economics, Department of Money, Finance and Banking, University of Paris-I (Panthéon-Sorbonne)

Thesis: L’efficience du marché du change

Aug. 1998

B.A. in Economics, Department of International Economics, Seoul National University (with major Economics)
Honors from French government (Palm Academique)

[In English]

  • 2017, A Coinless Society as a Bridge to a Cashless Society: A Korean Experiment, Frank Rövekamp et al. (eds.) Cash in East Asia, Financial and Monetary Policy Studies 44, springer
  • 2014, (with Axel Marx et.al), EU–Korea relations in a changing world project: main results and recommendations, Asia Europe Journal, 2014, vol. 12, issue 3, pages 231-250
  • 2012, (with Rhee), Coping with a New Monetary Order after the Global Crisis (Edward Elgar, 2012
  • 2011, Whither East Asian Economic Integration? Korea’s regionalization cum globalization strategy, ASIA EUROPE JOURNAL, SPRINGER VERLAG, 2011
  • 2011, Two crises, two remedies and two consequences: Impacts on Korean Labor Market, THE INDIAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS, April,
  • 2010, (with Oh), Economic and Financial Integration in East Asia: Status and Perspective, Bernadette Andreosso and B. Zolin (eds) CURRENT ISSUES IN ECONOMIC INTEGRATION: CAN ASIA INSPIRE THE WEST?,
  • 2009 (with G. Szell etc), European Socical Integration-A Model for East Asia? Peter Lang
  • 2009 (with Rhee) Financial Integration and Exchange Rate Coordination in East Asia in D.K. Chung and B. Eichengreen (eds), Fostering Monetary and Financial Cooperation in East Asia, World Scientific
  • 2009, Regional Integration and Income Disparities: the Lessons of Europe for East Asia, N.K.Kim eds., Globalization and Regional Integration in Europe and Asia, Asgate
  • 2008, Bastket Currency in Asia,Developing Economies, Blackwell, September
  • 2007 (with R. S. Rhee) “Regional currency unit and exchange rate coordination in East Asia”, Kyoto Economic Review 76 (1), June
  • 2006 (with Y.S. Rhee) “Spot and Forward Market Intervention Operations during the 1997 Korean Currency Crisis,” Banca Nazionale del Lavaro Quaterly Review
  • 2005, (edited with B. Andreosso) Regional Integration: Europe and Asia Compared, Ashgate.
  • 2005, (with Y.S. Rhee and D.R. Yoon) “Monetary Cooperation in East Asia”, Moon and Andreosso eds. Regional Integration: Europe and Asia Compared
  • 2005, (with Choong Yong Ahn and Deok Ryong Yoon) “The Role of Regional Development Banks: Financing for Development in East Asia”, Yung Chul Park et al. ed. A New Financial Market Stucture for East Asia. Edward Elga
  • 2003, (with Y.S. Rhee) “Sovereignty and Seignorage in a Monetary Union: Comparing AMU with EMU”, Journal of International and Area Studies, Vol. 10, No. 2, December
  • 2003, “Industrial Bank “A Legacy of Continental Banking?” Entreprises et Histoire, June, no 23.
  • 2003, (with Motoshige, Itoh et al.) The Costs and Benefits of Distribution Services Trade Liberalization: China, Japan and Korea, APEC
  • 2002, (with Y.S. Rhee) “Foreign Exchange Market Liberalization Policies in Korea: Past Assessment and Future Options”, Journal of International and Area Studies, republished in K.T. Lee (eds) Globalization and the Asia Pacific Economy, Routledge, London.
  • 2001, “Currency crisis and Stock Market Integration: A Comparison of East Asian and European Experience”, Journal of International and Area Studies, 2001, June
  • 2000, “The Causes of the Korean Currency Crisis: Policy Mistakes Reexamined,” Korea Review of Applied Economics, June,
  • 2000 (with Y.S. Rhee and D.R. Yoon) “Asian Monetary Cooperation: A Search for Regional Monetary Stability in the Post Euro and the Post Asian Crisis”, Economic Paper, Bank of Korea, Vol. 3, No. 1, May.
  • 1999 (with Y.S. Rhee) “Asian Monetary Cooperation: Lessons from the European Monetary Integration”, Journal of International and Area Studies, May.
  • 1994 “An Open Economy Model of Wages and Employment with an Application to Korea,” Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Fall, 1994.
  • 1991″Taux d’accumulation et taux d’endettement dans le modèle dynamique postkeynésien,” Economie et Société, March.

[In Korean]

  • 2017, “Inflation Targeting in Korea: 2012-2016,” Journal of Korean Economic Analysis, 2017/08
  • 2009, (with Hur), “Measuring money market integration in East Asia,” Economic Papers, SNU
  • 2006, (with Yoon), “Market Integration and Price Convergence in East Asia”, Journal of Korean Economic Analysis, vol. 12
  • 2005, (with Cheong), “Cointegration Analysis of Financial Imbalances and Bankruptcies,” Economic Analysis, Bank of Korea
  • 2001 “Effects of Foreign Exchange Market Intervention During the 1997 Currency Crisis”, Journal of International Economic Studies, Vol. 5, No. 1
  • 2000, “Credit in Schumpeter and Finance in Keynes”, Korean Economic Journal, SNU, 39(1)
  • 2000, “Chaos and Evolution: An Application of Logistic Equation”, Korean Journal of History of Economic Thought, No.3
  • 1999, “Euro-dollar-yen Exchange Rates and International Monetary Cooperation,” Cae One Kim (ed.), Euro : Changes in International Economic Order and Options for Korea, Parkyoungsa.
  • 1998 “The Effects of Foreign Capital Inflow on Korean Capital Markets”, Cae-One Kim (ed.), Theories and Current Status of International Economy, Feburary
  • 1998 “New International Monetary Order After the Asian Currency Crisis”, Kyekan Sasang, Winter
  • 1997, (with Kim Keun) Theoretical and Historical Foundations of European Monetary Union, Seoul, Bummunsa, Seoul, May.
  • 1997 “Central Bank Independence: the case of EU and US,” Korean Economic Journal, SNU, 36(2)
  • 1995, (with M.H. Park) Globalization of the Firms, KDI
  • 1994 “A Critique of the Quantity Theory of Money: An Institutional Approach,” Korean Economic Review, July
  • 1994, “State and Money in Hayek and Keynes,” Sahae Bipyung, December
  • 1994, Financing Infrastructure Investment, Korea Development Institute, Policy Paper, Feburary,
  • 1993 “Kaldor’s Law and Growth Regime: the Case of Korea,” The Korea Development Review, Summer.
  • 1993 (with Kim Joon-Kyung) “Impact of Backing for Money on Inflation: An Implication on the Central Bank’s Discount Policy”, The Korea Development Review, Winter.
  • 1993. Facilitating the Loan Market Access of Small and Medium Sized Firms, Korea Development Institute, Policy Paper, December
  • 1992 “Monetary Adjustment in Wicksell, Hayek and Robertson”, Korean Economic Review, June
  • 1991 “Bank Structure and Monetary Transmission Mechanism”, The Journal of National Economy, January
  • etc.