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Jeong, Jong-Ho / 鄭鍾昊 


OfficeRoom 508, Bldg. 140-1
Tel.(82-2) 880-5813
MajorChinese Society
Jong-Ho Jeong is a Professor of China Area Studies. Professor Jeong is currently a Dean of the Graduate School of International Studies, Seoul National University (SNU). He has served as the Dean for International Affairs at Seoul National University from December 2012 until July 2015 and as the Director of the SNU Institute for China Studies from September 2014 until August 2016. He has also served as a member of board of directors, Seoul National University Foundation and as the President of the Korean Association for Contemporary Chinese Studies. Professor Jeong graduated from Seoul National University with B.A. (1987) and M.A. (1990), received his Ph.D. (2000) in Anthropology from Yale University, and was a visiting scholar at Peking University, China and the Harvard-Yenching Institute, Harvard University. His Ph. D dissertation and subsequent publications have focused on the restructuring state-society relations in contemporary urban China. He is currently writing a book on the restructuring state-society relations in post-Mao China based on his long-term fieldwork on Zhejiangcun, the largest migrant settlement in Beijing. His research interests include social change and social stratification, internal and international migration, social capital and native-place networks, private sector Party-building in China, the rise of China’s soft power, changing local identity and Chinese nationalism.

[In English]

  • 2020, “From Gray to Red: Party Building and the Transformation of Beijing’s Zhejiangcun,,” (with Taehee Yoon), Journal of Contemporary China, Vol. 29, No. 126, November 2020. pp. 934-949.
  • 2018, “Bedfellows with Different Dreams: The Relationship between the Party-State and Private Businessmen in the Party Member Recruitment Process in Beijing’s Zhejiangcun (浙江村 Zhejiang Village),” (with Taehee Yoon), Journal of International and Area Studies, 25: 1 (June 2018), pp. 131-148.
  • 2017, “Historical Development of Civil Society in Korea since 1987,” (with Sunhyuk Kim), Journal of International and Area Studies, 24:2(December 2017), pp.1-14.
  • 2014, “Transplanted Wenzhou Model and Transnational Ethnic Economy,” Journal of Contemporary China, Vol. 23, No. 86, March 2014, pp. 330-350.
  • 2012 “Ethnoscapes, Mediascapes, and Ideoscapes: Socio-Cultural Relations Between South Korea and China,” Journal of International and Area Studies, 19:2(December 2012), pp. 77-95.
  • 2011 “From Illegal Migrant Settlements To Central Business And Residential Districts: Restructuring Of Urban Space In Beijing’s Migrant Enclaves,” Habitat International, 35:3 (July 2011), pp. 508-513.
  • 2008 “China’s Soft Power: Discussions, Resources, and Prospects,” (with Young Nam Cho), Asian Survey, 48:3 (May/June 2008), pp. 453-472.
  • 2007 “Transcending Boundaries”(Book Review), The China Journal, Vol. 58(July 2007), pp. 132-133.
  • 2002 “Shifting Central-Local Relations in Post-Reform China: Case Study of a Migrant Community in Beijing,” Development and Society, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 23-51.

[In Korean]

  • 2020  “포스트 냉전기 지역학의 전개: 중국지역연구를 중심으로,” 『국제지역연구』, 29권 3호, 2020 가을, pp. 1-28.
  • 2020 『재중 한인타운의 형성과 발전: 베이징 왕징(望京) 한인타운을 중심으로』 (정종호 설동훈 공저) 한국학술정보
  • 2019 『개혁중국: 변화와 지속』 (서울대학교 중국연구소 기획, 정종호 외 공저, 서울: 한울아카데미)
  • 2016. “중국 공산당의 사영분야 당조직 건설 정책 변화: 지방정책과 중앙정책의 상호작용을 중심으로” (정종호,윤태희), 『국제지역연구』, 25권 4호, 2016 겨울, pp. 133-165.
  • 2013. 9. 왕징모델(望京模式): 베이징 왕징 코리아타운의 형성과 분화, 『중국학연구』, 제65집, 2013, pp. 433-460.
  • 2013. 3. 중국 지역발전모델의 회고와 전망: 삼대모델(三大模式)을 중심으로, 『중국학연구』, 제63집, 2013. 3월, pp. 239-266.
  • 2010 『재중한인사회연구: ‘코리아타운’을 중심으로』(경제?인문사회연구회 대중국 종합연구 협동연구총서10-03-31) (정종호 외, 서울: 경제인문사회연구회).
  • 2010 “친척호칭의 의미구조와 사회적 사용에서 나타나는 남인?노론 정체성,” 『한국어, 한국문화, 한국사회』(왕한석 엮음, 서울: 교문사) pp. 85-139.
  • 2008 “북경시의 도시재개발 정책과 북경 ‘동향촌(同鄕村)’의 변화,”『현대중국연구』제9집2호 (2008년2월), pp. 37-79. 현대중국학회.
  • 2008 “온주모델(溫州模式)”에서 신온주모델(新溫州模式)로: 북경 절강촌(浙江村) 사례를 중심으로,”『중국학연구』 제44집 (2008년6월), pp. 193-221.
  • 2005 『현대중국의 이해』(정종호 외 14인 공저, 서울: 나남출판).
  • 2004 『중국내 한국계 외자기업의 경영 현지화: 글로벌 스탠더드와 ‘꽌시’』 (정종호 외, 서울: 지식마당).
  • 2003 “재중 한국계 기업의 경영 현지화에 대한 문화적 영향: 개혁?개방기 중국의 “情理法 文化構成”을 중심으로,” 『비교문화연구』제9집2호, pp. 83-123, 서울대학교 비교문화연구소.
  • 2003 “이농민에서 기업가로: 북경 ‘절강촌’(浙江村) ‘유동인구’(流動人口)의 사회계층분화,” 『한국문화인류학』제36집 2호 pp. 37-72.
  • 2002 『중국진출 한국기업의 경영 현지화에 관한 연구』 (정종호 외 5인, 서울: 對外經濟政策硏究院).
  • 2002 “국가와 유동인구(유동인구): 이농(이농)의 정치경제,”『중국 개혁-개방의 정치경제 1980-2000』(정재호 편, 서울: 까치), pp. 243-312.
  • 2000 “중국의 ‘流動人口’와 국가-사회 관계 변화: 北京 ‘浙江村’ 사례를 중심으로,”『비교문화연구』제6집2호, 6(2): 127-170, 서울대학교 비교문화연구소.

[In Chinese]

    • 2018 (金善赫 郑钟昊) “1987年以来韩国公民社会的发展历程,” 『韩国研究论丛』 2018年 第一辑, (总第35辑), p272~p289, 复旦大学韩国研究中心编,社会科学文献出版社出版 (中国CSSCI重点期刊; “Historical Development of Civil Society in Korea since 1987,” Sunhyuk Kim and Jong-Ho Jeong)
    • 2013. 11. (?林海 ?鍾昊 ?放), 中??究型大?本科生全球化能力和??的比??究-基于南京大??首?大?的?卷??, 『大??育科?』2013年 第6期 總第142期 (第卷第6期), pp. 98-109 (CSSCI Journal, 中文社?科?引文索引 ).
    • 2013. 11. (杜林致 ??昊), “大?生對政府官?腐?的認知?因?究 『西北師大學報』2013年 第6期 總第232期 (第50卷第6期), pp. 91-96 (CSSCI Journal, 中文社?科?引文索引 ).
    • 2013. (?林海 ?鍾昊), 大???生提供了什??的信息技???:??及效果的探析 ?基于南京大??首?大?的?卷??, 『?程?育?志』 2013年 第5期 總第218期 (第31卷第5期), pp. 12-22 (CSSCI Journal, 中文社?科?引文索引 ).
    • 2013. 8. (?林海 ?鍾昊 ?放), 大學生的全球化能力和??: 中??世界一流大?的比? ?基于南京大?、首?大?和伯克利加州大?的?卷??, 『??大??育?究』 2013年 第4期 總第134期 (第34卷第4期), pp. 100-107 (CSSCI Journal, 中文社?科?引文索引 ).
    • 2013. 1. (?林海 ??昊), “中??究型大?本科生?????意度?究 ?基于南京大?和首?大?的?卷?? 『敎育發展硏究』, 2013年 第1期 總第342期 (第33卷第1期), pp. 34-42(CSSCI Journal, 中文社?科?引文索引 ).