2021 fall
International Area Studies


[General Required Courses]
Course No. Class No. Cred.-Lec.-Lab. Course Title Professor Class Time Bld.-Rm. Lang Remarks
875.823 001 3-2-2 Comparative Methodology
Eun, Ki-Soo Fri.(09:30~11:20)/Fri.(11:30~13:20) 140-1-102 EN ⓔ®Only GSIS full-time students can take this course.
875.810 001 3-2-2 Research Methodology and Skills
Kim, Chong-Sup Thur.(09:30~11:20)/Thur.(11:30~13:20) 140-1-101 EN ⓔ®Only GSIS full-time students can take this course.
875.532 001 3-3-0 Understanding East Asia
동아시아지역의 이해
Park, Cheol-Hee Tue.(14:00~16:50) 140-1-101 EN ⓔ®Only GSIS full-time students and Campus Asia students can take this course.
875.520 001 3-3-0 International Cooperation
국제협력의 이해
Song, Jiyeoun Wed.(09:00~11:50) 140-1-202 EN ⓔ®Only GSIS full-time students can take this course.
875.512 001 3-3-0 International Economic Relations
국제경제관계의 이해
Ahn, Jae Bin Mon.(14:00~16:50) 140-1-101 EN ⓔ®Only GSIS full-time students can take this course.

[International Area Studies Major Courses]
Course No. Class No. Cred.-Lec.-Lab. Course Title Professor Class Time Bld.-Rm. Lang Remarks
M2052.000400 001 3-3-0 Korea-Southeast Asia Relations
한국과 동남아 관계
Oh, Yoon Ah Wed(14:00~16:50) 140-2-201 EN ⓔ®No undergraduate students, recognized as: either area studies or cooperation
M2052.000300 001 3-3-0 Social Inequality in Contemporary Japan
현대일본사회의 불평등
Park, Jeehwan Thur.(10:00~12:50) 140-105 EN
8753.894A 001 3-2-2 Topics in Area Studies
지역연구의 제쟁점
Jeong, Jong-Ho Fri.(10:00~11:50)/Fri.(12:00~13:50) 140-2-201 KR
8753.816 001 3-2-2 Research Project in International Area Studies 3 (Qualitative Research Methodology and Discursive Analysis)
지역연구프로젝트 3 (질적 연구 방법론)
Park, Jeehwan Tue.(10:00~11:50)/Tue.(12:00~13:50) 140-105 EN
8753.811 001 3-3-0 Comparative Studies in Regional Integration: The Case of Europe and Asia
지역통합비교연구: 유럽과 아시아
Moon, Woo-Sik Tue.(09:00~11:50) 140-2-201 EN ⓔrecognized as: either area studies or commerce
8753.677 001 3-3-0 Political Economy of Southeast Asia
동남아의 정치경제
Oh, Yoon Ah Tues(14:00~16:50) 140-2-202 EN ⓔ®No undergraduate students, / recognized as: either area studies or cooperation
8753.643 001 3-3-0 Japanese Economy and Industry
일본의 경제와 산업
Kim, Hyun-Chul Mon.(14:00~16:50) 140-1-202 JP
8753.642 001 3-3-0 The Politics and Diplomacy of Japan
일본의 정치와 외교
Park, Cheol-Hee Thur.(14:00~16:50) 140-1-202 EN ⓔPriority to those who can speak Japanese,recognized as: either area studies or cooperation
8753.639A 001 3-3-0 European Integration: Law and Institutions of European Union
유럽통합: 유럽연합의 법과 제도
Han, JeongHun Thur.(14:00~16:50) 140-1-102 EN ⓔrecognized as: either area studies or cooperation
8753.624 001 3-3-0 Power and Politics in Contemporary China
중국의 권력구조와 정치체계
Cho, Young Nam Wed.(14:00~16:50) 140-1-102 KR
8753.615 001 3-3-2 Studies in Regional Monetary and Financial Integration
Lee, Il Houng Tue.(09:30~11:20)/Tue.(11:30~13:20) 140-103 EN ⓔrecognized as: either area studies or commerce
8753.596A 001 3-3-0 Financial Development of World
Moon, Woo-Sik Mon,(16:30~19:20) 140-2-201 EN ⓔrecognized as: either area studies or commerce
8753.595A 001 3-3-0 Understanding East Asian Economic Development
동아시아 경제발전의 이해
Cheong, Young-Rok Tue.(14:00~16:50) 140-104 EN ⓔrecognized as: either area studies, commerce or Korean studies
8753.594 001 3-2-2 Seminar on Area Studies (Study of China's Culture)
지역연구연습 (중국문화연구)
Jeong, Jong-Ho Thur.(14:00~15:50)/Thur.(16:00~17:50) 140-2-201 EN
8753.521A 001 3-3-0 China's Banking and Finance
중국의 금융.재정
Cheong, Young-Rok Wed.(09:30~12:20) 140-2-201 EN ⓔrecognized as: either area studies or commerce
8753.511 001 3-3-0 Contemporary World Politics: Theory and Case
현대세계정치의 이해
Cho, Young Nam Tue.(14:00~16:50) 140-1-202 KR recognized as: either area studies or cooperation