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Han, JeongHun / 韓定勳 

Professor / Associate Dean for Academic Affairs & Chair of Department

OfficeRoom 616, Bldg. 140-1
Tel.(82-2) 880-2296
MajorKorean Politics
JeongHun Han is a professor at the Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS) at Seoul National University. He teaches Korean Politics, Legislative and Party Politics, and Comparative Politics. He received a Ph.D at University of Rochester, USA. He was a professor at Soongsil University (2011~2015). His research interests lie on those projects of designing electoral and legislative institutions, assessing party representation and MP’s legislative behavior, and the politics in the European Union. Many publications have appeared in various journals including European Union Politics, Journal of European Public Policy, Korean Political Science Review, Korean Journal of International Relations, etc.

2023.03 - Current

Professor, Seoul National University, Seoul


2018.03 – 2023.02

Associate Professor, Seoul National University, Seoul


2016.03 – 2018. 02

Assistant Professor, Seoul National University, Seoul


2022.09 – current

Chief Editor of the SNU University Press


2020.07 – current

Chair of the Jean Monnet EU Center at SNU


2021.01 – 2022.08

Associate Dean of Graduate School of International Studies, SNU


<Publication in English>

  • Han, JeongHun, R. Pacheco Pardo, and Youngho Cho (ed.) 2023. Oxford Handbook of South Korean Politics, Oxford University Press.
  • Han, JeongHun. 2022. “Who consumes political news through YouTube? An application of the OMA framework to YouTube use in South Korea” Korea Observer, 53
  • Han, JeongHun. 2022. “Voting Green in European Parliament Elections: Issue Voting in and Electoral Context” Journal of European Public Policy, https://doi.org/10.1080/13501763. 2022.2116082 (with Danel Finke)
  • Han, JeongHun. 2022. “Understanding Political Polarization Based on User Activity: A Case Study in Korean Political YouTube Channels” SAGE Open, https://doi.org/10.1177/21582440221094587 (with Giang T.C. Tran, Luong Vuong Nguyen, and Jason Jung)
  • Han, JeongHun. 2021. “How Does Party Organization Develop in New Democracies: Evidence from South Korea, 1992~2016,” Contemporary Politics 27(2):225-245
  • Han, JeongHun. 2020. “Media Bias Toward LDP in Japan: An Application of Sentiment Analysis,”Korean Social Science Journal 47(1):53-67 (with Khawla Jaïdi)

<Publication in Korean, article>

  • 한정훈. 2023. “한국인의 유튜브 이용현황과 확증편향성” 아시아브리프. 서울대 아시아연구소
  • 한정훈. 2022. “한국 청년층의 보수화? 2012년부터 2022년 대통령 선거의 이념적, 정책적 태도와 투표행태를 중심으로 (Conservative Shifts of the Young Generation in South Korea? Evidence from the 2012 to 2022 Presidential Elections)” Review of International Area Studies 31(2), 285-318
  • 한정훈. 2021. “유튜브 정치채널 시청의 결정요인과 표본선택편향(Sample Selection Bias and Major Determinants on the Use of YouTube Political News Channels)” Korean Political Science Review 55(5): 93-118.
  • 한정훈. 2021. “유럽연합의 탄소국경조정제도 도입 논의와 유럽의회 내 정치적 갈등(EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism and Political Conflicts in the European Parliament)” Journal of Contemporary European Studies 39(4): 347-380.
  • 한정훈.. 2021. “유럽연합의 디지털 COVID 증명서 제도 수립 입법과정(Reviewing the Legislative Procedure to Establish the Digital COVID 19 Certificate in the European Union)” Korean Journal of Legislative Studies 63, 155-166.
  • 한정훈. 2021. “유튜브는 사용자들을 정치적으로 양극화시키는가? 주요정치 및 시사관련 유튜브 채널 구독자에 대한 설문조사 분석(Does YouTube Polarize its Viewers? Analysis of the Survey on Subscribers to Major Political Channels)” Journal of Contemporary Politics 14(2), 5-35 (with Seungjin Jang)
  • 한정훈. 2021. “한국군의 베트남전 참전에 대한 베트남의 인식: 베트남 언론보도내용을 중심으로, 1976-2018(Vietnamese’ Perception on Korean Army in Vietman War: Evidence from News Media Reports, 1976-2018)” Journal of International Releations 24(2): 261-297 (with Ngo d. Hong Nga)
  • 한정훈. 2020. “2019년 유럽의회 선거에서 녹색당의 성패와 선거의 범유럽화: 스웨덴과 핀란드 사례 비교 (Green Party Support and Europeanization in 2019 European Parliament Elections: A Comparison between Cases of Sweden and Finland),” Journal of Contemporary European Studies 38(2):29-58 (with Chan Lee).
  • 한정훈. 2020. “유럽의회의 역사적 발전경험과 통일한국의 의회제도에 대한 함의 (The Historical Development of the European Parliament and Its Implications on the Parliamentary System in Unified Korea,” Unification Policy Studies 29(1):1-32

<Publication in Korean, book chapters>

  • 한정훈.  2021. “포스트코로나 시대 정당정치의 변화 (A Note on Party Politics in the era of Post COVID 19)” In Taegyun Park (ed.) 거대전환: 포스트코로나 시대 사회변동(Big Transition: Social Transition in the Era of Post COVID 19). Kyungin Moonwha Company.
  • 한정훈. 2019. “누가 왜 당비를 내는가? (Characterizing Fee-paying Party Members in South Korea)” In Jongnbin Yoon and Soohyun Jung (ed.) 한국의 당원을 말하다: 당원의 현재와 미래, 그리고 한국형 정당모델의 탐색(Characterizing Party Members in South Korea). Pooryungil Publication
  • 한정훈. 2018. “정당명칭 변경에 관한 한국 유권자의 인식(Korean Voters’ Perception on Party Label Change),” In Jongbin Yoon and Jieyoung Park (ed) 한국의 민주주의 어디로 가고 있는가 (The Future of Korean Democracy) Pooryungil Publication.
  • 한정훈.  2017. “행정부와 입법부 간의 협치: 예산결정과정을 중심으로(Government and Parliament Cooperation in the Process of Budget Allocation),” In Sookjong Lee and Hyungjoon Park (eds.) 2017 대통령의 성공조건 (What Should Be Reformed for the Successful Presidency in 2017). East Asia Institute.
  • 한정훈.  2017. “정당의 시민정치교육과 정치참여(Parties’ Civil Education and Its Impact on Political Participation),” In Jongbin Yoon and SooHyun Jung (eds.) 국민의 참여가 민주주의를 살린다(Political Participation as A Necessary Condition for Democratic Development).  Pooryungil Publication.