[동아시아연구원(EAI)] KF Korea Workshop

Upcoming Events
On 2019-08-07

KF Korea Workshop



The EAI, together with the Korea Foundation, an affiliate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is hosting the KF Korea Workshop, an educational program that provides foreign studentsin Korea an opportunity to learn about Korean society, culture and history and experience various aspects of Korea. The KF Korea Workshop aims to enhance the foreign residents’understanding about Korean unification and public diplomacy. We would be deeply honored to invite you as a participant at the Korea Workshop. I believe that the lectures will serve as a very meaningful and useful time for the individuals who participate in the event. Attached is If you could upload the attached file on your website, I would appreciate it. Full details of the lecture are included in the poster.

If you have any questions regarding the above, please feel free to contact me at (02-2277-0749).

Thank you.




동아시아연구원은 외교부 산하기관인 한국국제교류재단(Korea Foundation: KF)과 함께 오는 8월 KF 글로벌센터에서 2019 제 2차 KF 코리아 워크숍을 개최하여 주한외국인의 올바른 한국이해를 도모하고 글로벌 지한파로 양성하고자 합니다본 프로그램은 한국에 거주하는 해외 유학생들에게 한국사회의 현안 전달을 통해 한국이해를 제고함으로써 공공외교 기반을 확대하고자 기획되었습니다. 

자세한 내용은 첨부파일로 송부드리니 KF 코리아 워크숍 포스터를 참고 부탁드립니다많은 참여 부탁드립니다.


상기 내용 관련하여 궁금하신 것이 있으시면 언제든 저에게(02-2277-0749) 말씀주십시오.




Event Date : 2019-08-07
Speakers :
Panel :
Venue :
Organized by :