Submission of the Course Credits Confirmation Sheet for Expected Graduates Students Who Have Completed All Coursework, Fall 2013

Official Notice

Course Credits Confirmation

(Expected Graduates / Students who have Completed All Coursework, Fall 2013)

  Expected graduates or students who are expecting to complete all coursework by February 2014 must download and fill out the 'Application Form for Credit Confirmation.' This form should also be signed by your academic advisor, and submitted to the GSIS Administration Office by January 6, 2014.

  For further information please refer to 'GSIS Academic Requirements' from GSIS website. ( -> Academics -> Programs and Curricula -> Academic Requirements) For those who are unable to fulfill requirements under the given time frame, please download, complete the 'Non-Completion Confirmation,' and submit to the GSIS Administration Office by January 6, 2014.

‘수료 및 학위수여예정자 이수학점 확인 신청서’ 제출 안내  

  2014년 2월 수료 예정자 및 학위수여 예정자는 첨부 서식 ‘수료 및 학위수여예정자 이수학점 확인 신청서’를 작성하여 학사지도교수의 서명을 받은 뒤 2014년 1월 6일(월)까지 행정실에 제출하여 주시기 바랍니다.

  홈페이지 ( -> Academics -> Programs and Curricula -> Academic Requirements) 에서 학번별로 명시된 '국제대학원 교과목 이수규정'을 확인하여 주시고, 수료 요건에 충족하지 못하는 학생은 '미수료 확인서'를 작성하여 1월 6일(월)까지 제출하시기 바랍니다.