The 17th Undergraduate/Graduate Trade Thesis Competition

Featured News
 Last updated: 2017-12-04

The Korea International Trade Association and Korea Economic Daily co-sponsored the 17th Undergraduate/Graduate Trade Thesis Competition Award on November 30, 2017 at Samsung-dong Trade Tower. Na-Yung KIM of Graduate School of International Studies, Seoul National University won the first prize. Kim’s thesis focuses on threats to various export fields and identifies food and drug exports as the sector with the highest risk.  The theme of the awards ceremony was “Reform of Korea’s Trade and Change of Global Trade Environment Counter Strategy”. Young-Ju KIM, Chairman of the Korea International Trade Association, awarded the grand prize to IvyCOM, the name of Na-Yung Kim’s team. Chairman Kim encouraged the winners of the contest and urged them to always, "be concerned with the world economy and Korea’s trade so that Korean trade policy can actively respond to changes in the world trade environment”.  This is the third time Na-Yung KIM has won the prize this semester.  She had won the 1st prize at ‘the 2nd Research Paper Competition in Technical Barriers to Trade’ and also at the '18th Research Paper Competition on the Trade Remedy System' which was held on Nov. 3rd.